Just recently, the Biden administration hired a former Obama official with the intent to taper the restrictive immigration policies developed under former President Donald Trump through,Lucas Guttentag who will serve as a senior counselor on immigration policy and report to the Department of Justice’s Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. Under the the Obama administration, Mr. Guttentag served as a senior adviser on immigration policy, including as senior counselor to the secretary of Homeland Security.
Guttentag will help take apart the restrictive Trump-era policies and will coordinate Biden policy among various agencies and departments. Trump’s presidency had the focus of reducing legal and illegal immigration to the United States by various means such as executive action, policy guidance, and regulations includinglengthening the citizenship test and denying visas to citizens of several majority-Muslim nations. Based on data, the Trump administration made more than 400 changes to immigration policy to restrict immigration. Another focus of the Trump administration was aimed at building 400 miles of a 30-feet steel wall along the southern border in addition to limiting the granting of asylum claims. TheBiden Administration tackled most of the past policies through executive orders and now with the hiring of Mr. Guttentag will move further to eliminate the restrictionist tactics of the former Trump administration’s stance on immigration policy.
We, at Emandi Law Firm, are closely monitoring developments in this regard and will keep you posted with further updates.

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